How to use the Hario V60 One Pour Mugen Dripper

How to use the Hario V60 One Pour Mugen Dripper

The Mugen Dripper’s star-shaped ribs allows the paper of the filter to stick closely to the sides of the dripper. This allows for a slower flow of water and more contact time between the coffee and water.
  1. Place dripper on a server or a cup.
  2. Properly rinse the coffee filter. We recommend 02 filter paper.
  3. Put 25g of fine grind into the dripper and shake to even out the surface.
  4. Starting from the centre and moving in an outward spiral, pour 300ml hot water (93℃ is optimal) into the dripper. This should take about 15 seconds for one single pour. The coffee grinds should form an even wall into the dripper.
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